And then maybe not…

It is only March and the last few days’ outlook of 2018 would have suggested a metamorphosis, but I was not expecting all that has happened. In my constant comparisons with the transformation of butterflies, the metamorphosis that rolled out in the last weeks of December would have suggested a metamorphosis comparable to the dark days in the chrysallis for the butterfly. That is what started the year, and it has happened, but it is “light” that is becoming reality in the last few days!

And it is light that will carry me through this phase into a fantastic part of this year on all fronts–personal and professional! It is quite wonderful when you live in the NOW and begin to see what living moment to moment can become with faith, friends, and the Universe working on my behalf.

Now I can just imagine what is becoming…it is light and it is BIG and it is wonderful!

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