Balance, My Dear, Balance….

Balance Yin Yang

As the New Year starts, and as my company EMPOWER Excellence is carefully balancing going from the year of 2012 as a brand new startup to a producer of cash, there have been many moments of coaching myself through to the next moment…

It has really opened my eyes to know who I am deep down in my soul…balancing what I know is true and what I know is “FEAR”, or more accurately “WORRY”. Oh my, it is not a pretty sight in those moments reminding me of everything I believe and what I know is pure worry. Sometimes balance just needs time to work itself out. And that calls into play “patience”. We will leave that for another blog…

Balance, Yin & Yang, keeping a cool head!

What I do know as truth is what keeps me going–this is a mission, and some might call it a ministry, that I am on and that I love and that I am good at — it is all about relationships with money. What I do know is that I have seen just about every possible relationship folks can have with money, whether it is their personal money or someone else’s money. What I have learned in a nonjudgmental way is that what people say they believe and what they “do” about money are two different things. I have seen those with a fiduciary role play games with money that is not theirs to play games with. And I have learned a lot about me as I have witnessed those situations: there is no balance, I am out of there! No balance, just ethics and values. There is no room in my life for anything but the right way to do things.

In the early morning hours of today, this topic came up, and I found myself questioning where is the balance in this situation. Balance is not present when values and ethics are absent. So, my answer to the question is that balance only is present when ethics and values are considered; when values and ethics, knowingly or unknowingly, are absent, there is nowhere in any equation–balance or otherwise–for me to be involved.

So I guess for situations in the past that fit this or for situations I may encounter in the future, the only answer for me is “I am out of there!”

One comment

  1. Kathleen Dunn · January 2, 2013

    Hi Jan,   I know we talked about me going to your classes. I would like to go very much and Kathleen Wood said she would take me but I can’t pay. I know we talked about volunteering I am still interested. Please let me know if this offer is still available.



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