The Power of Hope is Real…Hope is My Source of Strength! #Empower Excellence

Lately, cataclysm, pandemic, powerlessness, and exhaustion have been running through my brain, and I have wondered where the vision for the future would lead.

And then, the yellow rose, a favorite of mine reappeared in meditation! The yellow rose is a symbol for hope.

Hope is my source of strength. It is a symbol of Source for me, a higher power, God, or other symbol of faith.

Hope never falters, it is me who falters and forgets to call upon hope in times that are good and bad. But the Universe with its perfect timing steps in and reminds me that to give up hope is to just give up, and that is not my style.

Right now, today, I invite you to join me in awakening to hope in the Universe and in our personal lives. Whatever may be of concern to you today–faith, pandemics, family, relationships, money, or more–just be mindful and whisper “hope” to yourself or out loud. Let it be a confirmation of where your are mentally, emotionally, spiritually. If your hope is not as strong as you think it could be, remind yourself that you still have hope.

Take a few days to reawaken hope. Do not just dump it all out there, and give it a few days to feel comfortable in your life again . Hope will empower you. Hope can begin to move you in a direction you want to go. But be mindful, go slow, and begin to think of hope becoming your strength wherever you need it.

The Promises We Make to Ourselves…

Sixty-nine years ago today, in St. Michael the Archangel Church in Cleveland, my life changed in so many ways. This was a religious day…my First Communion Day. Plenty of solemnity, plenty of music, plenty of celebration, but I truly remember none of it!

The top music of the era was sung by Tony Bennett: ‘Stranger in Paradise” from Kismet, the musical. I remember that; and today, i recall the lyrics:

“Take my hand, I am a stranger in paradise, all lost in a wonderland, a stranger in paradise.” The final words of the song were “a stranger no more…”

Truly, with that day, my life began to change. We moved from Cleveland to a new home in an outer ring suburb of Cleveland, to a new school, to so many changes. As the oldest of two daughters, I became an adult a few short years later as a new baby was added to our family. My childhood ended at that time.

Little did I know that the one song I remember from that day and time was full of meaning for me for the rest of my life.

The song was written by Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) as a lover’s duet of transcendent love to the surrounding “paradise”. It was about the rituals, meditation, and paranormal. The existence of love beyond all known physical loves: the nature and power of dieties, spiritual and supernatural.

The Sacrament of First Communion was my personal introduction to the physical body and blood of Jesus Christ. That part of my life remains as my deep spriritual develpoment and existence, away from the Catholic church.

I truly became a boat rocker, a creator of change, and I remain that way today. I became the “Questioner”, the “seeker”, and more.

As a daily reflection, SOURCE on Social Media is a go to daily for me. Today’s entry, with meaning for me for May 8th, included the following thoughts:

  • An important phase for me
  • The “new” you has been confronting aspects of the “old” you. I am challenging myself to do better, to live better
  • I am stepping out of my “comfort zone”
  • I am leveling up
  • I am inspired to flow more freely and trusting my chosen path to be safe and in alignment with my vision!
  • This has been an opportunity for me to “catch up” and breathe deeply!
  • It is time for me NOW to begin experiencing what I’ve asked for.
  • I have watched myself struggle,

In March of 2020, as the Pandemic period began, I began the path forward to look at my total life, including my business Empower Excellence. While I lived a balanced wholistic life, i began the changes to create a HOLISTIC path to wealth not only for myself but also for women and their families. Women and their families are my people, always have been, and remain my people for MAKE A LIFE.

Many years ago, not only leaving organized religion, but also leaving corporate America, I knew my passions were a healthy lifestyle and helping women achieve HOLISTIC Wealth. Today I am on the leg of that path where I am living that HOLISTIC passion…

This morning is symbolic with the date of May 8th. It is time for me to move forward in all of MAKE A LIFE. As a writer, this blog appearing on my website was my first action of the day. Please follow the blog there and on Linkedin in video form (under Jan Litterst).

In the very near future, Linkedin will be where MAKE A LIFE will begin to appear again.

Know this: I am unique and one of a kind. I want YOU TO JUST BE YOU as that is what I want for me!

JUST TO BE YOU…Unique and One of a Kind

THE UNTETHERED SOUL, a recent book by Michael A. Singer, has been a major source of inspiration.

Books give me freedom, love, and inspiration. In times of personal struggle, books liberate, are serenity for me, providing openness and self knowledge.

You have come a long way from birth as a baby to an adult and now you have your own life! You have been doing, doing, and doing from your first baby days, doing what everyone expected you to do. Yes, you were a baby and did baby things, but they were all expectations!

As your life cycle continued, you transformed. Little did you know about anything but breathing, which was automatic. You knew how to relax as a baby, and your best release was crying to let someone know something was not right! When it came to energy, your body knew how to draw upon your energy within. This was your natural state until you began to control your mind, your body, and your emotions.

Yes, you began to let go, and now you are able to make the choice to let go when you feel like letting go. Along with that control, negativity, fear, and emotions appeared.

You now have the choice to live your life within certain limits internally as a giver and externally as a taker. Over time, you may have created your own comfort zone in a place, person, or object. Change is happening!

Your life went from expectations to a personality and changes you can control! You have progressed from a baby to a toddler, to a pre-schooler, to a student, and finally to a young adult and adult. It is now up to you to learn self concept, self care, and self control. Sometimes control is out of control just to be you! BUT…

Who are you now?

You are experiencing an entire life, and sometimes it is hard to be you! Do you know who you are? Finding you in your mind, in your heart, and in your soul can be hard, too hard sometimes.

Do you feel you are out of control? That your life is out of control?

You are now in the game of life, whether you want to be or not! You are responsible to determine your wants and needs and how to work from your internal or external environment.

Being wholistic is including all parts of your life while being HOLISTIC is creating flow and synergy for all of your life; it more than being wholistic. HOLISTIC includes consideratoin for your inner and outer lives.

Can you say that a holistic life is what you are experiencing without conflict between all of your parts of life? Is life working for you, or not so much?



Do you feel that your Life is out of control? Do you want change, but feel that there could be judgment, expectations from those who think they know what you need?

When change occurs, you have a total life to consider, how will any small or large change affect every part of your Life? So many times, you can look at the money in your life and really feel a need for a change there. But money affects all parts of your life: change one part and all parts can be affected!

Are you looking for change internally and externally? Who are you now? Who do you want to be?

The more conscious you are, the more you may want change.

You are one of a kind: know you, free you, love you! You will cling to what you know even when you want change!

What do you want? Begin with accepting who you are and being ready to let go of what it is that you want to let go: Relax, Breathe, Release!

Let’s talk about who you are and who you want to be…

MAKE A LIFE was created for the unique person you have always been.

Holistic Relaxation: Just STOP Doing, Start BEING


95% OF WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE began with YOU. How do you change that?


Let go of all fear. Expand your comfort with all of your life, holistically, including with your money. Let go one part of your life at a time! This is all parts of your life. Consciously release everything! And STOP creating trouble, anxiety, and worry for yourself. Relax, release, and breathe!

Your energy, your money, and your total life will begin to flow to the parts of you and your life where you need it. A rechanneling occurs as joy replaces all fears. All energy is freed automatically when you relax, release, and breathe.

When you relax mentally, emotionally, and physically, you will not only be amazed but you will also feel energized. Let go of all negativity you may have created. Your search for control, your role as a taker from the external part of your life will see your needs change.

Living Free Internally…

It is time to separate your internal versus external lives. Your solution to your life concerns is not outside as you create additional concerns to meet and control your needs. You may control externally for a moment or so, but the work continues internally. You may feel neurotic at first, but be aware that no one is totally “ok”.

RELAX is the alternative and it is an internal choice. You will realize discomfort at first. RELAX is your highest choice of action. See everything start to get better as you remain scared and fearful as you feel you are under attack!

Change will happen, Change always happens, as your behavior changes your personality changes. If you want to be ok, stop the neurotic behavior. Life gets worse as life unfolds, but understand that you are experiencing life at this point. You will create inner turmoil. You will be scared. You are panicking about your life. Nobody can hold onto the past in your life. It may even make you sick.

Revisit why you are doing this…

Realize this is the real you that is beginning to appear. BREATHE & RELAX…mentally and physically, emotional relaxation will begin. Catch yourself as the PAST is not happening outside; the FUTURE is not happening externally. Neutrality is setting in…

Just Be There…

Just being there in your inner self and using your highest technique of relaxation can make all the differencein your world, your inner world. Even with the static noise in your brain, you can learn to experience life. That static noise can be simply your mind wanting to participate, your memories wanting to be heard, and pure anxiety over using relaxation as an active part of being where you are. You will worry about your past, you will worry about your future, you want to have control.


But it does create tension as you bring your own consciousness to bear on the internal level, without turning to your external environment for control.

What is happening for you internally is something you may not believe you can do. RELAX and know the experience is creating the tension: fear, anxious thoughts begin the process internally. Let the feelings and emotions flow. Only then will your wisdom begin to make itself felt. This is your time to slow down, breathe, RELAX, and begin to trust your inner control even when you are still feeling inner disturbance and lack of control. Fear takes a long time to depart when it was in control, driving you to the external, most of the time before you employ your highest technique of RELAXATION.

Unique & Perfect YOU!

What you are is not random; you were created on purpose! No stars are alike, no planets are alike, no grain of sand is alike any other. You are a Divine Creation, and you are divine perfection. There are no mistakes in who you are, a creator and a creation. You have a purpose to reveal Spirit. You are important as a divine light.

As you rise up as a divine light, any diminishment dissolves, and you become a beacon of light in your own way unique, perfect, and loved. As a spiritual being, you are unlimited in harmony, vibration, and wholeness.

Your highest available technique to truly becoming YOU is relaxing behind any inner disturbance.

The more you grow, life becomes simpler, and YOU do want a better life. Your highest technique is “relaxation”. RELAX!

Yes, RELAX! Learn to relax beyond a natural point for you. RELAX is not exercise. RELAX is changing your Being!

    Know this: You are conscious to our planet.

    • There is always “stuff” going on no matter where you go.
    • You experience all that happens.
    • It is difficult.
    • It is not hard to see what you see!
    • This is not a job.
    • You do experience your ever-changing entire life!


      Experiencing the Being of You…

      Do you know, do you feel the nature of being you all of the time? To feel the nature of being ourselves is pure spirit and waves of self love, and nothing touches our personal flow!

      The feelings felt are ecstasy and pure bliss, our feelings are happy for no reason!

      We find that we no longer go directly to our mind for ways to control our lives for we are no longer in our mind and we are no longer strictly in our heart: thoughts and emotions come naturally when we go to our internal spirit for answers. Monkey Mind leaves, and hearts no longer feel broken!

      Our minds are unemployed gracefully1

      Take one step back to ease your moment as unexpected guests–the mind and heart–quickly depart.

      Activate YOU: Disinterest and No Games!

      It is time to cease to participate, and the reason is that where you go for answers constantly changes in relation to your body, your heart, and what you love at any moment. Simply: everything changes when you consistently go to your external world for ways to gain control. Playing the external game is a NO WIN game. It is a finite game that keeps changing.

      Discover your personal “Seat of Self”, your conscious being.

      Wants from the External Fall Away: Being Fed from Your Internal Being

      If you are looking for a way out of pain, anxiety, and worry: The Way Out is to Go In!

      What do you notice? It is time to really notice what you want your life to be, really be. It is not what you think you need to control in the external environment that will bring permanent peace and joy. It starts within!

      Begin with I AM IN HERE, I AM NOTICING, and learn to turn away from what has not worked so far!

      The Wheel of Life: Holistic Health & Wealth

      If wholeness is what you are seeking, you may feel that your mind tends to be neurotic, less than whole. A neurotic mind looks to the outer world to find answers but everything is a need. It is bombarded with new information, new ideas daily even momentarily.

      What it finds in the outer world for its uses to find wholeness is not totally good as whatever comes into the mind also goes to the heart. This is sometimes felt to be “monkey chatter”, constant and relentless. Humans are not ok on the inside when this is happening.

      You are seeking, first of all, well being.

      But, how do you really need to know that you need CHANGE? How do you know that you are not ok?

      And you see it all… You begin to hear the voice of your Source